Community heritage

A red and white lighthouse at sunset
Smeaton's Tower.


Plymouth Sound National Marine Park

We've awarded £11.6million to help create the UK's first National Marine Park, revolutionising the way Plymouth interacts with its marine heritage.

A group of people in a community space


LGBTQ+ history in Llanelli

Llanelli LGBTQ+ Support have held events and activities to recognise and share the rich heritage of the town's LGBT+ community.

Performers in servants' attire at Duckie’s Lady Malcolm’s Servants’ Ball
Duckie’s Lady Malcolm’s Servants’ Ball at Bishopsgate Institute. Credit: Holly Revell


Re-enacting the 100-year-old Lady Malcolm's Servants' Ball

A collective of performance artists re-enacted Lady Malcolm’s Servants’ Ball; a firm fixture of the queer scene in London almost a century ago.

Woman with rainbow flag at Chester Pride
Chester Pride


Celebrating Cheshire's LGBT History

Body Positive has recorded and digitised the memories of the LGBT+ community in Cheshire, saving their legacy for future generations.

A man standing on one leg on a bridge


Llanfyllin ni - our Llanfyllin

This project in Mid Wales is recording the contribution made by people living with learning disabilities to their local community.

Historic photo of woman in street


Worcester Life Stories

Worcester Life Stories are building an online platform for recording and sharing local stories.